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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
生體內 In-vivo
不活化疫苗 inactivated vaccine
不活化疫苗 Inactivated Vaccines
自交系 Inbred line
獎勵輔導造林 Incentive-driven afforestation
啟動影響評估 Inception Impact Assessment
事故緊急應變指揮系統 Incident Command System (ICS)
傾斜觀測管 Inclinometer
保護保險 Income Protection, IP
增長率 Increment rate
增量樣品 Increment sample
受光疏伐 increment thinnning
受光伐 increment thinnning; accretion thinning
保育間伐 increment thinnning; accretion thinning
孵育 Incubation

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