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Chinese English
心囊積水 hydropericardium
水相圖 hydrophase diagram
水生植物 Hydrophyte
水生植物 hydrophyte, aquatic plant
水腫 Hydrops
噴植 hydroseeding
岩面噴植法 hydroseeding on rocky slope
團粒噴植工法 hydroseeding used aggregating agent
鋪網噴植 hydroseeding with wire mesh placement
靜水力浮子 Hydrostatic float
靜水壓力分布 hydrostatic pressure distribution
胸水 hydrothorax
羥基鈷維生素 Hydroxycobalamin
水蘿蘭 Hygrophila difformis
青葉類 Hygrophila polysperma sp.

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