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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
豬瘟 hog cholera
豬瘟研究組 Hog Cholera Division
豬糞 Hog manure
北投石自然保留區 Hokutolite Nature Reserve
愛神棘蝶魚 Holacanthus venustus Yasuda & Tominaga
金帶花鱸 Holanthias chrysostictus (Gunther)
暫養 Holding culture
苗木穴植 hole planting
穴植管 hole tube
集水區整體調查規劃 holistic watershed investigation and planning
打漿機 Hollander
腹部空 Hollow belly
金鱗魚科 Holocentridae
環紋細鱗鸚鯛 Hologymnosus annulatus (Lacepede)
細鱗鸚鯛 Hologymnosus semidiscus (Lacepede)

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