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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
輔導收購 Guidance Purchase
指標殘留量 Guideline level
指標殘留限值 Guideline value
野生動物活體輸出入審核要點 Guidelines Governing Review of Applications for Permission to Export or Import Live Wildlife
天竺草 Guinea grass (美), Panic (澳)
海灣 Gulf
沖蝕溝 gully
坑溝 gully
蝕溝控制 gully control
農地蝕溝治理 gully control practices of farmland
溝狀沖蝕 gully erosion
坑溝沖蝕 gully erosion
蝕溝處理 gully treatment
國光魚 gurnard
去內臟機 Gutting machine

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