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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
鱷魚養殖 Alligator culture
美洲鱷 Alligator mississippiensis
揚子尋 Alligator sinensis
揚子鱷 Alligator sinensis
分配,配置 Allocation
配額證明書 allocation certificate
能變色的 Allochroic
生活年代不重疊種 Allochroic species
異糯鰻 Alloconger anagoides (Bleeker)
大異糯鰻 Alloconger major ASANO
異源二倍體 Allodiploid
異體受精,異花受粉 Allogamy
異基因,隱性基因 Allogene
異發演替 allogenic succession
異源轉化 Allogenic transformation

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