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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
肉芽腫瘤 Granuloma
肉芽腫 granuloma
肉芽腫塊 Granulomatous mass
肉芽腫反應 Granulomatous reaction
粒層細胞腫瘤 Granulosa-cell tumour
葡萄 grape
葡萄渣 Grape fruit pulp
葡萄柚 grapefruit
圖解法 graphical method
梨小食心蟲 Grapholitamolesta,Oriental fruit moth
草帶法 grass barriers
草魚 Grass carp
草魚、鯇、鯤、池魚、草根魚 grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)
草魚苗 Grass carp fry
草皮植生毯 grass mat

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