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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
高梁碎 Grain sorghum craked
高梁粉 Grain sorghum ground
五穀根莖類 grains and root vegetables
雜糧特作科 Grains and Speciality Section
五穀根莖類 grains, roots and tubers / grains, root, and stem crops
革蘭氏染色法 Gram stain
克氏線鰈 Grammatobothus kremifi Chabanaud
菱的鯛科 Grammicolepidae
六線黑鱸 Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg)
黑鱸科 Grammistidae
眼斑黑鱸 Grammistops ocellatus Schultz
橫帶牛尾魚 Grammoplites scaber (Linnaeus)
花紋海豚 Grampus griseus (Cuvier, 1812)
委託人 Grantor/ settler / trustor
粒劑 Granule

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