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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
突吻鸚鯛 Gomphosus varius Lacepede
性腺發育 Gonad development
性腺發育 Gonadal development
性腺成熟 Gonadal maturation
性腺組織 Gonadal tissues
促性腺激素 Gonadotrophin
素尾鷹羽鯛 Goniistius quadricornis (Gunther)
條紋鷹羽鯛 Goniistius zebra (Doderlein)
花尾鷹羽鯛 Goniistius zonatus (Cuvier & Valenciennes)
長身櫛口魚 Gonostoma elongatum Gunther
櫛口魚科、鉆光魚科 Gonostomatidae
優良農事操作(吉園圃) Good agricultural practice (GAP)
國際藥品優良臨床試驗規範 Good Clinical Practice, GCP
優良田間試驗操作 Good experimental field practice
優良實驗操作(GLP) Good laboratory practice (GLP)

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