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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
GLP協議書 GLP Protocol
GLP品質保證計畫 GLP Quality assurance program
GLP品質保證聲明 GLP Quality assurance statement
GLP品質保證小組 GLP Quality assurance unit(QAU)
GLP標準作業程序 GLP Standard operating procedure (SOP)
GLP研究計畫 GLP Stndy plan
GLP研究 GLP Study
GLP稽核 GLP Study audit
GLP研究主管 GLP Study director
醋酸菌 Gluconacetobacter
葡萄醣醛酸化物 Glucuronides
固殺草 glufosinate
格留蟲病 Glugea disease
集成材 glulam
麩胺酸 Glutamic acid

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