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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
食物網 food web
口蹄疫 Foot and mouth disease
口蹄疫 Foot and mouth disease (FMD)
下綱 Foot line
步道 footpath
飼料作物 Forage ; Forage crop
牧草 Forage ; Pasture ; Herbage
飼用玉米 forage corn
飼料作物館 Forage Crops Building
飼料作物組 Forage Crops Division, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
餌料生產 Forage production
覓食行為 foraging behavior
預測模式 Forcasting model
強迫渦流 forced-vortex
促成栽培 Forcing culture

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