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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
分流裝置 flow splitter
流量延時曲線 flow-duration curve
水懸劑 Flowable
花藝裝飾 flower arrangement
花芽分化 flower bud formation
球根花卉  Flower bulbs
遠海梭子蟹、蠘仔、花市仔、梭子蟹、市子、台灣蠘 flower crab /pelagic crab (Portunus pelagicus)
催花 flower induction
花薹 flower stalk consumption
開花期 flowering stage
花卉批發市場 flowers wholesale market
流水式養魚 Flowing water fish culture
流水式集約養魚 Flowing water intensive fish culture
流水系統 Flowing water system
流體力學 Fluid mechanics

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