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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
發酵豬糞 Fermented hog manure
發傚制品 Fermented product
碳酸亞鐵 Ferrous carbonate
氧化亞鐵 Ferrous oxide
硫酸亞鐵7水物 Ferrous sulfate, heptahydrate
硫酸亞鐵1水物 Ferrous sulfate, monohydrate
肥灌 fertigation
種蛋 Fertile or hatching eggs
肥沃度,生育力 Fertility
受精 Fertilization
施肥 fertilization
受精卵 Fertilized egg
肥料 Fertilizer
施肥 fertilizer application
需肥量 Fertilizer demand

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