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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
芬瑞莫 Fenarimol
芬佈賜 Fenbutatin oxide
籬樁壩 fence dam
籬椿壩 fence dams
農業試驗所鳳山熱帶園藝試驗分所 Fengshan Tropical Horticultural Experiment Branch, Agricultural Research Institute
茴香 fennel
小虎鯨 Feresa attenuata Gray, 1874
發酵 Ferment
發酵 fermentation
發酵程度 Fermentation degree
醃漬效率 fermentation efficiency
穀類酒 fermented cereal beverages
發酵飼料 Fermented feed
發酵魚產品 Fermented fish product
果類酒 fermented fruit beverages

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