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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
未來糧食保障計畫 Feed the Future Initiative
餵養者輸入 feeder input
飼育 Feeding
投餌量 Feeding dose
索餌場 Feeding ground
食性 Feeding habit
攝食強度 Feeding intensity
攝食方法 Feeding method
索餌迴游 Feeding migration
飼料用燕麥粉 Feeding oat meal
攝食週期 Feeding periodicity
飼料管理法 Feeds Control Act
火雞爪 feet
翡翠水庫食蛇龜野生動物重要棲息環境 Feitsui Reservoir Yellow-margined Box Turtle Major Wildlife Habitat
翡翠水庫食蛇龜野生動物保護區 Feitsui Reservoir Yellow-margined Box Turtle Wildlife Refuge

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