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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
魚虱病 Ergasiliasis
魚虱病 Ergasilosis
麥角固醇 Ergosterol
河蟹 Eriocheir sinensis
平滑絨 Erisphex simplex L.Chen
橫帶銀寶 Ernogrammoides fasciatus (Chen & Liang)
獅頭毒 Erosa erosa (Langsdorf)
靡爛 Erosin
侵蝕 erosion
治山防災工程 erosion and sediment control engineering
土砂捍止保安林 Erosion control protection forest
二水臺灣獼猴生態教育館 Ershui Formosan Rock Macaque Ecocenter
豬丹毒 erysipelas
紅血球 Erythrocyte
赤皮病 Erythrocytolysin

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