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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
附生植物 epiphyte
鐘形蟲症 Epistylis infection
上皮細胞 Epithelial cell
上皮囊腫 Epitheliocystis
上皮細胞 Epitheloid cells
上殼 Epivalve
外寄生蟲 Epizoon
魚類流行性造血組織壞死症 Epizootic Haematopoietic Necrosis
流行性淋巴管炎 Epizootic Lymphangitis
環氧樹脂 Epoxy resin
黏盲鰻科 Eptatretidae
蒲氏黏盲鰻 Eptatretus burgeri (Girard)
菌達滅 EPTC
杜伯義公式 equation of Du-Boys
平衡雜亂 Equilibrium disturbance

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