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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
當地種,本地種 Endemic species
固有種 Endemic species
地方特有,風土性 Endemicity
特有分佈,特有現象 Endemism
特有分佈 Endemism
內寄生蟲 endo-parasites
體內適應 Endoadaptation
生物體內生的 Endobiotic
內胚層 Endoblast
內配基 Endocon
內分泌 Endocrine
內分泌干擾物質篩選計畫 Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program, EDSP
內分泌干擾物質:確認之標準及相關衝擊研討會 Endocrine disruptors: criteria for identification and related impacts
內分泌腺 Endocrine gland
內分泌器官 Endocrine organ

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