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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
災害應變中心 emergency operation center
突發變種 Emergency sport
意外的,偶然的 Emergent
突生進化 Emergent evolution
挺水植物 emergent plant
挺水植物 Emerging plant
遷出,移住 Emigration
發射,放射 Emission
發射層 Emitting layer
史氏 Emmelichthys struhsakeri Heemstera & Randall
發射光譜 Emmision spectrum
龍占魚科、龍尖、濱龍占、海豬哥、豬哥撬 emperors / long-nosed emperor (Lethrinidae)
強勢 Emphasis
氣腫性腐敗病 Emphsematous putrefactive disease
遺傳特性 Emphytic character

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