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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
農業土壤改良 Agromelioration
農業氣象預報 Agrometerological forecasting
農業氣象站 Agrometerological station
土壤腐殖質殘積層 Agron
農藝學的 Agronomic
農藝性狀 Agronomic character
水土保持農藝方法 agronomic practices for soil and water conservation
農業土壤學 Agropedology
農漁綜合養殖 Agropisciculture
禾草學 Agrostology
農業科專計畫 AGTECH Program
瞄準撈捕 Aimed fishing
空氣 Air
鰾,氣泡 Air bladder
氣泡病 Air bladder disease

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