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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
向電性 Electrotrophism
元素 Element
地磁要素 Element of earth's magnetism
元電荷 Element of electric-charge
原粒體 Elementary body
基本細胞 Elementary cell
基本種 Elementary species
塘鱧科 Eleotridae
雙帶塘鱧 Eleotriodes helsdingenii Bleeker
長鰭塘鱧 Eleotriodes longipinnis (Lay & Bennett)
頭孔塘鱧 Eleotriodes porocephala (Cuvier & Valenciennes)
六點塘鱧 Eleotriodes sexguttus (Cuvier & Valencinennes)
紅帶塘鱧 Eleotriodes strigatus (Broussonet)
塘鱧 Eleotris
條紋塘鱧 Eleotris fasciatus Chen

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