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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
雙線鼠銜魚 Diplogrammus xenicus (Jordan & Thompson)
二倍體 Diploid
二倍無配生殖 Diploid apogamy
二倍世代 Diploid generation
二倍單性生殖 Diploid parthenogenesis
二倍化,雙核化 Diploidization
雙璧藻 Diploneis
太平洋櫛口魚 Diplophos pacificus Gunther
馬陸 Diplopod
雙帶鱸 Diploprion bifasciatum (Kuhl & Van Hasset)
白內障病 Diplostomiasis
敵百蟲 Dipterex
直接適應 Direct adaptation
直接自花受精 Direct autogamy
直接雜交 Direct cross

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