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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
滯洪區 Detension basin
滯洪水庫 Detension reservoir
滯洪池 detention pond
清潔劑 Detergent
萎凋,退化,敗壞 Deterioration
腐敗微生物 Deteriorative microorganism
河道橫斷面之測設 determent of channel area
因子,定子 Determinant
有限的,決定 Determinate
鑒定,鑒別,測定 Determination
比降面積法測流量 determination of flow by slope-area method
逕流係數之決定 determination of runoff coefficient
產量測定 Determination of yield
決定因素 Determinative factor
因子 Determiner

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