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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
深海拖網漁業 Deep-sea trawl fisheries
深水 Deep-water
深海延繩釣 Deep-water longlining
深水池 Deep-water pond
脫脂米糠 Defatted rice bran
缺損 Defect
防禦適應 Defense adaptation
保護的 Defensive
保護裝置 Defensor
缺乏 Deficiency
營養缺乏症 Deficiency disease
〔營養〕缺乏病症 Deficiency symptom
雞蛋友善生產系統定義及指南 Definition and Guideline of Friendly Eggs Production System
偏向力 Deflecting force
脫氟酸鈣 Deflourinated phosphate

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