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Bilingual Glossary

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | S | Y | Z | All

Chinese English
脫色 Decolorizing
植物殘渣分解作用 decompisition of plant residues in soil
分解者 Decomposer
分解作用 decomposition
分解 Decomposition
減壓 Decompression
減壓裝置 Decompression device
裝飾的 Decorative
觀賞園藝學 Decorative gardening
觀賞植物 Decorative plant
稻米直接給付 Decoupling direct payment for paddy field
蔓狀藤類 decumbent vine
凍透 Deep cooling
深耕 Deep culture
熟休眠 Deep dormancy

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