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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
微量補貼 de minimis
終端宿主 Dead-end host
致死溫度 Deadly temperature
脫鹼作用 Dealkalization
脫氨基〔作用〕 Deamination
尖吻棘鮫 Deania aciculata (Garman)
篦吻棘鮫 Deania egiantina Jordan & SNUDER
致死溫度 Death point
死亡率 Death rate
裝死 Death-feigning
去(剝)皮 Debarking
土石流 debris flow
土石流防災疏散避難規劃 debris flow disaster prevention and evacuation program
土石流災害防救業務計畫 debris flow disaster prevention and response operation plan
土石流防災教育訓練 debris flow disaster prevention education and training

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