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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
水晶蝦 crystal red shrimp
隱鞭蟲病 Crytobiosis
二點粗皮鯛 Ctenochaetus binotatus Randall
漣紋粗皮鯛 Ctenochaetus striatus (Quoy & Gaimard)
草魚、草根魚 Ctenopharyngodon idellus (Cuvier & Valenciennes)
梅赤鯊 Ctenotrypauchen microcephalus (Bleeker)
去皮材積 cubic meter under bark
收穫實材積 cubic meter under bark
鱗首鯧 Cubiceps squamicrps (Lloyd)
黃瓜 / 小黃瓜/胡瓜 cucumber
黃瓜、小黃瓜 cucumber
小黃瓜 Cucumber
胡瓜 cucumber
胡瓜嵌紋病毒 Cucumber mosaic virus, CMV
葫蘆科 Cucurbitaceae

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