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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
白鮭 Coregonus
銅魚 Coreius heterodon
香菜 / 芫荽 coriander
香菜 coriander
香菜 coriander /  cilantro /  Chinese parsley
紅喉鸚鯛 Coris angulata Lacepede
藍馬氏鸚鯛 Coris gaimard (Quoy & Gaimard)
彩衣鸚鯛 Coris multicolor (Ruppell)
花娘鸚鯛 Coris musume (Jordan & Snyder)
雜色鸚鯛 Coris variegata (Ruppell)
浮子綱 Cork line
魚鷹 Cormorant
球莖 Corms
玉米 corn
玉米 ; 玉蜀黍 Corn ; Maize ; Indian corn

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