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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
珊瑚漁業 Coral fishing
珊瑚漁場 Coral fishing ground
青星九刺鮨、紅鱠、紅格仔 coral hind (Cephalopholis miniata)
珊瑚湖 Coral Lake
珊瑚礁 Coral reef
礁岩海岸植生群落 coral reef coastal vegetation
紅珊瑚 Corallium
珊瑚 Corals
台灣蜆、河蜆、臘仔、剌仔 Corbicula fluminalis
河蜆、台灣蜆 Corbicula fluminea
蜆科 Corbiculidae
蜆科;馬蹄蛤 Corbiculidae;Geloina erosa
岩心採樣率 core recovery

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