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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
造林 afforestation
造林;植林 afforestation
無林地造林 Afforestation
植林 afforestation; forestation
造林貸款 Afforesting Loan
火焰離子化檢出器 AFID
無鞭毛的 Aflagellate
黃麴毒素 Aflatoxin
非洲 Africa
非洲增長與機會法案 African Growth and Opportunity Act, AGOA
非洲馬疫 African Horse Sickness
百子蓮(愛情花) African lily、Lily of the Nile
非洲豬瘟 African Swine Fever
非洲豬瘟 African swine fever (ASF)
亞非農村發展組織 Afro-Asian Rural Development Organization ; AARDO

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