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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
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商業 Commerce
經濟林 commercial forest; production forest
生產林 commercial forest; production forest; managed forest
商業據點呈現 Commercial Presence
商品規格 Commercial size
經濟種類 Commercial species
經濟林;生產林 commercial/production forest
商品化 commercialization
委託 Commissioning
貨品分類號列 Commodity Classification of the Republic of China code ; CCC code
歐洲聯盟「共同農業政策」 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
歐洲聯盟「共同農業政策」 Common Agricultural Policy ; CAP
菜豆 common bean
菜豆 / 敏豆 / 四季豆 common bean / kidney bean

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