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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
青心大冇 Chin-Shin-Dapan
青心柑仔 Chin-Shin-Ganzai
青心烏龍 Chin-Shin-Oolong
烏龜 Chinemys reevesii
梅子 Chinese apricot / Japanese apricot
醃漬包心白菜 chinese cabbage pickle
家魚 Chinese carp
芹菜 Chinese celery
中草藥 Chinese herbal medicine
曹白魚 chinese herring
芥藍菜 Chinese kale
芥藍 Chinese kale
韭菜 Chinese leek / garlic chives
嫩莖萵苣 Chinese lettuce / asparagus lettuce
中藥植物  Chinese medicinal herbs

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