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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
毛〔細〕氣管 Capillary trachea
毛〔細〕管 Capillary tube
毛細管水 capillary water
農田基本建設 Capital construction in agriculture
去勢公雞 capon
封口機 Capper
羊布氏桿菌病 Caprine and Ovine Brucellosis
山羊關節炎/腦炎 caprine arthritis / encephalitis
山羊關節炎//腦炎 Caprine Arthritis/Encephalitis
異臂花鱸 Caprodon schlegeli (Gunther)
菱鯛科 Caproidae
番椒 Capsicam annunm ; Pepper
外鞘蛋白 capsid protein
製膠丸機 Capsulizing machine
蓋普丹 Captan

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