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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
毛麟魚 Capelin
微管緣 Capilary fringe
毛細線蟲病 Capillariasis
毛細管作用 Capillarity
毛〔細〕管 Capillary
毛〔細〕管作用 Capillary action
毛細管出血 Capillary bleeding
毛〔細〕管傳異度 Capillary conductivity
毛〔細〕管下降 Capillary depression
毛〔細〕管水上升限 Capillary front
毛〔細〕管水 Capillary moisture
毛〔細〕管移動 Capillary movement
土壤毛細勢能 capillary potential
毛〔細〕管勢梯度 Capillary potential gradient
毛〔細〕管階段 Capillary stage

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