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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
赫氏鯊 Callogobius hasselti (Bleeker)
圓鱗鯊 Callogobius liolepis Koumans
稜頭鯊 Callogobius sclateri (Steindachner)
史奈利鯊 Callogobius snelliusi8 Koumans
瑰麗七夕魚 Calloplesiops altivelis (Steindachner)
海狗 Callorhinus ursinus
癒合組織 callus
癒傷組織 callus
無風 Calm
無風帶 Calm belt
無風帶 Calm zone
鎮靜劑 Calmative
鷓鴣菜 Caloglossa
產熱力的 Calorifacient

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