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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
穿孔線蟲 Burrowing nematode(Radopholus similis & R. citrophilus)
掘穴生物 Burrowing organism
腹部脹裂 Bursting of belly
泳鰾脹裂 Bursting of swim bladder
經螢管理 Business management
丁基拉草 butachlor
屠宰場 Butchery
安朋塘鱧 Butis amboinensis (Bleeker)
大鱗塘鱧 Butis butis (Hamilton-Buchanan)
鐮鯧、暗鯧、黑鰭、燕尾鯧、白鯧 butterfish (Pampus echinogaster)
鯧科 butterfishes (Stromateidae)
誘蝶植物 butterfly introduced plants
酪乳粉 Buttermilk powder
扶(倚)壁式擋土牆 buttress (counterfort) type retaining wall
丁羥甲醚 Butylhdroxyanisole

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