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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
拖網漁獲物 Bull trawler catch
泥螺 Bullacta exarata
圓花鰹 Bullet tuna
圓花鰹、煙管仔、竹棍魚、鎗管煙子 bullet tuna (Auxis rochei rochei)
公佈欄、公告欄 Bulletin Board
腫塊 Bump
鴻喜菇 buna shimeji / brown beech mushroom
浮標 Buoy
浮力 Buoyancy
浮力學說 Buoyancy theory
牛蒡 burdock
農業金融局 Bureau of Agricultural Finance ; BOAF
動植物防疫檢疫局 Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine
國際貿易局 Bureau of Foreign Trade
土壤之潛在種子 buried seed in soil

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