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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
澎湖海鰗鰍 Bregmaceros pescadorus Shen
海鰗鰍科 Bregmacerotidae
啤酒酵母 Brewers dried yeast
啤酒粕 Brewers grain (Brewrs dried grains)
啤酒穀粉 Brewers grain meal
釀啤酒用米 Brewers rice
菌粉包 brewing powder
橋墩 bridge pier
白度 brightness
鹽水 Brine
豐年蝦 Brine shrimp
豐年蝦卵 Brine shrimp egg
鹽浸作用 Brining
鹽水的,鹹的 Brinish
前胸肉 brisket

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