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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
鳥叫聲 bird sound
山蘇蕨 Bird-nest fern
兩性生殖 Bisexual reproduction
雌雄同體 Bisexualism
兩性現象 Bisexuality
苦味樹薯 Bitter cassava
苦瓜 bitter gourd
苦瓜 bitter melon / bitter gourd
苦瓜 bitter melon / bitter gourd / balsam pear
苦瓜-英名 Bitter melon ; Bitter gourd
石斑魚神經症病毒與虹彩病毒雙價疫苗 bivalent vaccine for iridovirus and nervous necrosis virus
二枚貝 Bivalve
黑鯛 Black bream
黑鰱 Black carp
青魚、黑鰱、黑鰡、烏鰡、黑鯪 black carp / chinese roach / snail carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus)

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