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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
畢芬寧 Bifenthrin
管鞭蝦、紅蝦、紅中蝦、赤蝦、蔥頭蝦、大頭蝦 big head shrimp (Solenocera spp.)
大頭蝦 Big head shrimp Mino nylon shrimp
大目鮪 Bigeye tuna
大目鮪、大目串、大目仔、大眼鮪 bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus)
軟翅、軟翅仔、軟絲仔、萊氏擬烏賊、軟薯、柔魚 bigfin reef squid / flame jellyfish (Sepioteuthis lessoniana)
大目鰱 Bighead carp
鱅、黑鰱、大頭鰱、花鰱、胖頭鰱 bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)
大頭鰱 Bighead carp Black silver carp
大頭蝦 Bighead shrimp
大目流刺網 Bigmesh drift gillnet
兩側的 Bilateral
雙邊農業貿易 bilateral agricultural trade
雙邊科技合作 Bilateral Science and Technology Cooperation
兩面形苞子 Bilateral spore

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