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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
貝爾氏喙鯨 Berardius bairdii Stejneger, 1883
伯努利方程式 Bernonilli equation
埃及三葉草 Berseen clover ; Egyptian clover
金眼鯛科 Berycidae
夷金眼鯛 Beryx decadactylus Cuvier & Valenciennes
軟金眼鯛 Beryx mollis Abe
正金眼鯛 Beryx splendens Lowe
乙型受體素 Beta-agonists
荖花 betel pepper
碧螺春 Bi-Lo-Chung
生物量 Biamass
押標金保證 Bid bond
競價按鈕 Bidding Button
盒形藻 Biddulphia
銀鱸 Bidyanus bidyanus

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