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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
腹脇肉(去骨) belly / single-ribbed / boneless
扁鶴鱵 Belone persimilis Gunther
鶴鱵科 Belonidae
鱵鱸 Belonoperca chabanaudi (Fowler & Bean)
皮帶輸送機 Belt Elevator
皮帶式卸穀機 Belt Type Unloader
銀葉粉蝨 Bemisia argentifolii
平台階段 bench terrace
水準點 Benchmark
彎體病 Bend-body disease
誘引 bending
貝尼登吸蟲症或白肌蟲症 Benedenia infection
受益人 Beneficiary
效益分析 benefit analysis
倍尼芬 Benfluralin

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