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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
通風乾溼表 Aspiration psychrometer
通風溼度表 Aspiration thermometer
阿斯匹靈 Aspirin
ass / donkey
試驗,測定 Assay
集合物,裝配 Assemblage
裝配,組件 Assembly
商業使用聲明 Assertions of Use In Commerce
評估 Assessment
保險費基數 Assessment Base
風險評估及適當的檢驗或防檢疫保護水準之決定 Assessment of Risk and Determination of the Appropriate Level of Sanitary or Phytosanitary Protection
蘭氏七夕魚 Assessor randalli Allen & Kuitar
資產擔保證券 Asset-back securities ,ABS
分配 Assignment
同化,同化物 Assimilate

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