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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
噴霧機 Where sprayer
鞭蟲 whipworm
魚類迴旋病 Whirling Disease
迴旋病 Whirling disease
鬚赤蝦、厚殼蝦、火燒蝦、狗蝦、大厚殼、胭脂蝦 whiskered velvet shrimp / thick-shell shrimp (Metapenaeopsis barbata)
白蘆筍 white asparagus
雪白菇 white beech mushroom / shiro shimeji
白三葉草 White clover ; Dutch clover
白玉米 White corn
白口 White croaker
白姑魚、白口、帕頭、胖頭、烏耳、白姑子、黃順 white croaker / silver croaker (Pennahia spp.)
白木耳 white fungus
冬瓜 white gourds / wax gourd
白頭白嘴病 White head-mouth disease
白口 White mouth croaker Sliver pennah croaker

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