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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
西薩摩亞 West Samoa
西方點漬 Western blot
西方花薊馬 Western flower thrips(Franklinella occidentalis)
耐濕冷 Wet and cold resistant
濕法漁粉加工 Wet process
去勢公綿羊 wether
濕地 wetland
濕地生態學 wetland ecology
濕地生態系 wetland ecosystems
濕地園區 wetland parks
濕地保護帶 wetland protection zone
濕地類型 wetlands typology
菲島大鱗鸚鯛 Wetmorella philippina Fowler & Bean
可溼性扮劑 Wettable powder
濕周 wetted perimeter

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