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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
資訊網可及性推動組織 Web Accessibility Initiative ; WAI
楔型破壞 wedge failure
重量 Weight
重量組成 Weight composition
重量損失 Weight loss
老農津貼 Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
耐病蟲品種 well-adapted cultivars
著名商標 Well-Known Trademarks
welsh onion / green onion
welsh onion / green onion / scallion
茶業改良場文山分場 Wenshan Branch, Tea Research and Extension Station
文山包種茶 Wenshen Paochong tea
文旦柚 wentan pomelo
西尼羅病毒 West Nile virus
西太平洋 West Pacific

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