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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
蔬菜花卉科 Vegetable and Flower Section
蔬菜育種 Vegetable breeding
蔬菜標章 Vegetable Certification System
植物油或脂 Vegetable fat or oil
植物纖維 Vegetable fibre
蔬菜種原庫 vegetable gene bank
蔬菜種原 Vegetable germplasm
植物性蛋白質 Vegetable protein
絲瓜 Vegetable sponge
絲瓜-英名 Vegetable sponge 
蔬菜 vegetables
蔬菜研究室 Vegetables Research Office
植生過濾帶 vegetated filter strip
植生過濾帶 vegetated filter strips
植生格網 vegetated geogrid

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