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Chinese English
秋姑魚, 秋哥、紅哥里、鬚哥 Upeneus bensasi (Temminck & Schlegel)
摩鹿加秋姑魚 Upeneus moluccensis (Bleeker)
淡帶秋姑魚 Upeneus subvittatus Temminck & Schlegel
硫磺秋姑魚 Upeneus sulphureus Cuvier & Valenciennes
赭帶秋姑魚 Upeneus sundaicus Bleeker
洋鑽秋姑魚 Upeneus tragula Richardson
金帶秋姑魚 Upeneus vittatus (Forsskal)
雜糧研究室 Upland Crops Laboratory
特作雜糧研究室 Upland Crops Research Office
國際植物新品種保護聯盟 UPOV;the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants
上游 upstream
吸收 uptake
上升流 Upweling
瞻星魚科 Uranoscopidae
雙斑瞻星魚 Uranoscopus bicinctus Temminck & Schlegel

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