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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
大鶴鱵, 青見、青鋸 Tylosurus annulata (Cuvier & Valenciennes)
鱷形鶴鱵 Tylosurus crocodila (Le Sueur)
大鱗圓尾鶴鱵 Tylosurus incisus (Cuvier & Valenciennes)
臺灣圓尾鶴鱵 Tylosurus leiurus (Bleeker)
叉尾鶴鱵 Tylosurus melanotus (Bleeker)
圓尾鶴鱵 Tylosurus strongylurus (Van Hasselt)
膀胱膨脹 tympanites of the bladder
胃膨脹 tympanites of the stomach
颱風 typhoon
莫拉克颱風 typhoon Morakot
颱風 typhoons
酪胺酸 Tyrosine
超低容量施藥 Ultra low volume (ULV) spray
超聲波 Ultrasonic
超聲波解凍 Ultrasonic thawing

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