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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
信託契約 Trust deed/contract
信託業 Trust enterprise/trust company
金錢之信託 Trust of money/pecuniary trust
不動產之信託 Trust of real estate/real estate trust
信託財產 Trust propert
信託登記 Trust registration
信託監察人 Trust supervisor
受託人 Trustee
錐蟲病 Trypanosomatosis
錐蟲病 Trypanosomosis
赤鯊, 赤久 Trypauchen vagina (Bloch & Schneider)
赤鯊科 Trypauchenidae
胰蛋白敫 Trypsin
抗胰蛋白敫 Trypsin inhibitor
色胺酸 Tryptophan

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