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Bilingual Glossary

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Chinese English
中國鱉、甲魚 Trionyx sinensis
三葉唇魚 triple-tail wrasse (Cheilinus trilobatus)
三倍體 Triploidy
海膽, 刺膽 Tripneustes gratilla (Linnaeus)
三腳架 Tripod
智慧財產權 TRIPS
鳶鱠 Triso dermopterus (Temminck & Schlegel)
黑小麥 Triticale
擔輪動物 Trochelminthes
擔輪幼蟲 Trochophora
鳳螺 Trochus
曳繩釣 Troll Line
曳繩釣 Trolling line
營養層 Trophic level
營養層次 Trophic level

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